Tuesday, 21 January 2014

New Music: Yong Yong

Here's the lowdown: if you're anything like me, you can't get enough of the Hype Williams sound. Crumbling synths, broken drum patterns, detatched vocals, all stitched together in a miasma of pop culture references - it's all good stuff in your book. You're also a little sad that Hype Williams appears to be no more, with what Dean and Inga seemingly severing ties (although this could just be an elaborate ruse - who knows?).

If the disbandment of Hype Williams has left you without a reason to be, then you should probably check out the new Yong Yong album, titled Greatest It's, for it may bring a ray of sunshine back into your miserable existence. Their debut statement Love was practically Hype Williams worship, but Greatest It's sees the mysterious Glasgow-via-Lisbon pair branch out into new territories, with some dreamy, almost Badalamenti-esque compositions and mutant, kush-cloud pop excursions. It's a rather beautiful thing, albeit said beauty is somewhat obscured beneath a hazy fug. Stream it in full below, and if you really wanna, you can purchase it from Boomkat.

Friday, 10 January 2014

New Music: Grapes (James Ferraro)

The ever-mystifying James Ferraro has been pretty hot damn prolific lately, and it would appear he's got a new alias as Grapes. The two tracks he's dropped thus far, "." and "Sherm", feature Jim rapping (for the first time?) over some woozy-ass instrumentals (definitely not the first time), replete with movie samples and sirens aplenty. Give them a listen below, and expect more to come from Grapes.


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

New Music: Young Scooter

It's been one year since the excellent Street Lottery dropped, and everybody's favourite coke-peddling Atlantan has returned for a sequel. The aptly-named Street Lottery 2 doesn't appear to have another "Columbia" on precursory listens, but there are gems littered throughout: the Future-assisted "Nuttin About It" and "Roadrunner 2" have been in rotation on my playlists of late. Barring a few clunkers - well, mainly "My Boys" - this is another solid tape, and it certainly whets the appetite for Scooter's debut proper, which should see the light of day before the year is up. Stream and download Street Lottery 2 below, courtesy of DatPiff.